Michael (md_5)
University Student · Java Developer · Distance Runner

About Me

Hi, I’m Michael — better known to many as md_5 — and this is my little spot on the internet. I intend to use it as a soapbox to write about all manner of things from tech to cooking.

If you are interested in contacting me please do so email or Twitter (though I can’t promise a reply), otherwise feel free to have a browse of my recent musings below.

Hello, World! At long last I have a functioning website and blog. As remarked on Twitter this is something which I have wanted to do for a long time, but I have never been completely satisfied with the available options, particularly with regard to themes.

2 min read

This is a repost of a post I wrote for SpigotMC under the pseudo-blog ‘MD’s Soapbox’. You can view the original post and comments here.

8 min read